Cancellation policy: There are no refunds or name changes for purchased tickets. - If you cannot attend for whatever reason and you message us *before* the event starts then you can use your ticket next year. - If we cannot hold the event for whatever reason then your ticket will be valid the next year.
Tickets are selling faster than in past years - buy now to secure your place!

Speaker Profile: 

Christine Ofner

How to manage your energy not your time to increase productivity and prevent burn out.

This talk is all about boosting your productivity AND preventing burn out by managing your energy, not just your time. We'll dive into why your current approach might be setting you up for failure and how you can switch things up to work smarter, not harder. Whether you struggle with consistency, feel overwhelmed by your to-do list, or just want a better way to work, this session is for you.

Short Bio:

I'm Christine, a holistic business coach from Austria, passionate about helping burned-out entrepreneurs rediscover joy and freedom in their work. Having witnessed the toll of unrealistic expectations in the industry, especially through '6 figures in 6 months' frameworks, my mission is to guide nomadic entrepreneurs towards a reset, fostering a healthy relationship with their business while achieving their goals in a mentally, emotionally and physically healthy state.

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Please note that our speaker program is subject to change. The above speaker has confirmed their participation however Bansko Nomad Fest makes no warranty about their attendance or content!